Sunday 9 February 2014

5 Steps To Trusting God When Life Gets Tough

Life can be difficult. Some people seem to face life’s storms with courage and come out stronger than they went in. They are able to climb even what feels like impossible mountains in their life. Others seem to be unable to recover from difficulties and end up bitter, blaming others or God for their misfortune, or just sinking into depression. The ones who survive and even thrive in spite of challenges are often those who have faith in God, who trust Him to help them through tough times.

Here are 5 steps you can take to gain the ability to trust God when life is hard:
1. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Ask God for help by praying. But remember that God never promised to shield you from difficulties. He only promises to be with you. Being angry and blaming God won’t help you to get through the storm. Asking Him to be with you can help you endure far more than you’d ever be able to do on your own. You may wonder how to pray. Just speak, trusting God will hear you.

2. (Romans 10:17) Read Your Bible. The Bible isn’t just there to read. It’s a book full of all kinds of advice. From relationships to money to how to get along with your parents, it’s all in there. When we become wiser, we make much better decisions, and with good decisions comes many other good things.

3. (Proverbs 3:5) Let go of thinking life should always go your way. Just because it’s good to you, doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Remember that God knows more than you do. Remind yourself that God has your best interests in mind and He loves you. Sometimes unanswered prayers are God’s greatest gifts.

4. (Proverbs 3:13) Read or listen to the stories of others. Sometimes it takes a reality check to make us realize just how good God has been to us. Hearing someone else’s story may help you put things into perspective, especially if their situation is a lot worse than yours. Also, listen to people who have overcame their trials. Hearing from people who have been where you are now can be a testimony of God’s goodness.

5. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Be grateful. Make a list of the things you appreciate about your life, even if it is as basic as a roof over your head or food on your table. Tell God you are thankful for them. The simple act of noticing the good things in your life helps you to have a more positive attitude and helps you to see God’s hand in all the things He has done for you.

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