Friday, 27 December 2013


You’ve seen the average guy with the hot woman and wondered, “Why is she with him?” And you probably envied him and thought, “Now why can’t that be me?!”

News flash to all single men out there: You do not have to be the hot, good-looking guy to win over a beautiful woman!

As a matchmaker and dating coach, I have interviewed thousands of single women and, believe it or not, women are actually much less superficial when it comes to looks than men are.
Now obviously there needs to be some sort of attraction, but women will rarely say a “must have” is hot looks. Women tend to focus more on the qualities a man has to offer.
Women have repeatedly told me the top three qualities they are looking for in a man are:

1. Sense of humor.
When it comes to sense of humor, don’t worry. You don’t have to be a stand-up comedian, but you do have to have a great sense of humor.
Women really love it when a man can make them laugh.

“If you’re a total gentleman on a date,
you will rise above all the other guys.”
2. Confidence.
Now when I say “confidence,” please do not confuse that with being “cocky.” If there’s one thing that turns a woman off, it’s a cocky man.

What’s important for you to know is no matter what you look like, you should just be confident in knowing who you are and your self-worth.

When a woman sees you’re confident in yourself, she will find that attractive and will want to be around you.

3. How you treat her.
How you treat a woman on a date is so important. Chivalry is not dead.
If you’re a total gentleman on a date, you will rise to the top above all the other guys she dates who aren’t. Trust me, women notice it and it can actually make or break a date.
So stop thinking the only reason why you’re not having any luck with women is because you’re not a hot guy.

Your looks don’t really have anything to do with it and you need to start working on your confidence, sense of humor and chivalry.

Fellas, which tips are you going to use the most to win a woman over? Leave your comments below!

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